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Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Retro-Action Ad - 2011

This ad ran on the inside cover of the newest issue of Toyfare (#163). Of course it great to see Aquaman presented so prominently, and taking his rightful place alongside DC's other big stars.

I had read that this line wasn't that great a seller, but if they're still running ads for it in 2011 I have to think it can't be doing too bad--you don't waste money on ads for a line destined for the cut-out bins. So maybe we'll see more of these Retro-Action Heroes in 2011?

One word: Mera!


Russell said...

I have seen ALL of these action figures except the one I actually want to buy....Aquaman!!! (sigh) I did end up buying Batman because it reminded me of my old MEGO doll, and I think I bought Hal, but I didn't like Diana & The Cheetah (the poofy hair, no thanks), I was never a huge Superman fan, and I wasn't so excited about The Flash. If I ever do get Artie I may buy a Flash just to keep him company, though...

king Rio said...

Just got the Aquaman off Ebay. It hasn't gotten to me yet.

I also have an actual Mego Aquaman from the 70's. I keep meaning to send you guys a picture of him.

Sirhiss9 said...

I found a bunch of the Aquaman toys at TJ Max for 7.50

Dene said...

I have Green Lantern, Aquaman, and (one of the better-looking in a sea of terrible ones) Wonder Woman. I want to pick up Flash at some point, too. And maybe The Cheetah

It would be nice to have Batman, Superman, and Green Arrow, too...

I used to have 'em all as a kid, but gave 'em away when my family was moving. D'ohhhhhhhhhhhh-!

rob! said...

Russell--I couldn't find A-man either so I broke down and went to Amazon. Think I paid something like $35 for him and Manta, not a bad deal.

King--Send pics in, please!

Curtis--That's weird. Around here (NJ) Tj maxx is exclusively a clothing store--none of them carry toys!

Dene--Heartbreaking! I had a great Mego collection too, but I have them all away when I "grew up."

JasonMotesBowles said...

Mera and Black Canary are my "wish" figures for this line, so hopefully they are selling enough to warrant further figures.

Russell said...

There is a TJ Maxx around here. I will check it out this weekend!!

heartbug said...

Cartoons have humored and interested adults and children, for centuries together. They take us into another world of amusement and exhilaration.
"how to draw cartoons"

Anonymous said...

My niece got me the retro Aquaman this past Christmas. Very cool I didn't know it was out!
Year before my nephew got me Aquaman Series 2 History of the DC Universe.
Pretty good detail.