On Sunday, I was the guest on the premiere episode of the podcast Dimension N, hosted by newest F.O.A.M. member Eric "Ivan" Marquardt. We spent the entire show just talking about Aquaman--his history, who he is, where he's been, and where he's going. We also talked about the Shrine a bit, and I had a great time.
Rob! Loved the interview. For various reasons, I had time to listen to it all today and learned a great deal from you about the Sea King. Thanks for all you do!
I got to listen to the entire podcast today and I loved it, too! Rob, you nail everything I think about Aquaman and his history. Just great stuff! I subscribed to the Dimension N podcast, since this first episode was so great! Cool stuff indeed!
Rob, I love podcasts and the like because I have a long drive in to campus, and they make the trip bearable. I had a blast listening to this particular episode, so thanks for doing it! It was really interesting, and I really enjoyed hearing you talk at greater length about the reasons behind the cancellation of Aquaman's first series. I thought you did a great job during the interview, and if you were a bit garbled at times, at least you were interesting enough that I still tried to figure it out!
I do have a bone to pick with you, though! Your description of Aquaman's powers in response to the hosts's question about how long he'd last against Superman was very interesting. However, you sort of sold poor Arthur short in terms of his physical capabilities. Can he win against Superman? Of course not. If he punches the Man of Steel, will he feel it? You bet! Aquaman could definitely trade punches with Supes, so he's no light-weight.
Also, when he asked you about video games, where was my plug? ;)
Seriously though, I loved this podcast Rob. I definitely hope that you will start a regular Aqua-shrine version, and I will be watching for new stuff from "Dimension N" as well.
Yeah, too much paying work is definitely a good problem to have! I'm just kidding about the game thing, Rob!
On another note, the question about who Aquaman would pal around with has had me thinking lately. You made a really good point about Hawkman, and I can totally see those two guys being close friends. As a matter of fact, I could see the Atom, Hawkman, Aquaman, and Elongated Man all palling around as married heroes. I was thinking, though, that Wonder Woman makes a really nice partner for Arthur. Especially in stories set before Mera's arrival, they could have a nice flirtatious relationship. They're both royalty, they're both super strong, but not at Superman's level, and they both are outsiders from the modern world in a sense.
You weren;t garbled it was just those damn Skype gods not wanting to play ball. Again though thanks for the time and the kind words.
Rob! Loved the interview. For various reasons, I had time to listen to it all today and learned a great deal from you about the Sea King. Thanks for all you do!
I got to listen to the entire podcast today and I loved it, too! Rob, you nail everything I think about Aquaman and his history. Just great stuff! I subscribed to the Dimension N podcast, since this first episode was so great! Cool stuff indeed!
Rob, I love podcasts and the like because I have a long drive in to campus, and they make the trip bearable. I had a blast listening to this particular episode, so thanks for doing it! It was really interesting, and I really enjoyed hearing you talk at greater length about the reasons behind the cancellation of Aquaman's first series. I thought you did a great job during the interview, and if you were a bit garbled at times, at least you were interesting enough that I still tried to figure it out!
I do have a bone to pick with you, though! Your description of Aquaman's powers in response to the hosts's question about how long he'd last against Superman was very interesting. However, you sort of sold poor Arthur short in terms of his physical capabilities. Can he win against Superman? Of course not. If he punches the Man of Steel, will he feel it? You bet! Aquaman could definitely trade punches with Supes, so he's no light-weight.
Also, when he asked you about video games, where was my plug? ;)
Seriously though, I loved this podcast Rob. I definitely hope that you will start a regular Aqua-shrine version, and I will be watching for new stuff from "Dimension N" as well.
Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it.
Benton--Sorry I forgot to mention your game; I blanked at a lot of stuff during the podcast!
I do intend to do a regular Shrine Podcast, but I keep getting client work in that occupies most of my time--a good problem to have, but still...
Thanks Joe and Mac! I hope the show is a big hit for Ivan and I will definitely be following future episodes!
Yeah, too much paying work is definitely a good problem to have! I'm just kidding about the game thing, Rob!
On another note, the question about who Aquaman would pal around with has had me thinking lately. You made a really good point about Hawkman, and I can totally see those two guys being close friends. As a matter of fact, I could see the Atom, Hawkman, Aquaman, and Elongated Man all palling around as married heroes. I was thinking, though, that Wonder Woman makes a really nice partner for Arthur. Especially in stories set before Mera's arrival, they could have a nice flirtatious relationship. They're both royalty, they're both super strong, but not at Superman's level, and they both are outsiders from the modern world in a sense.
Anyway, I'll be watching for a Shrine-cast!
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