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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

DC Universe Online Beta

These fantastic, dynamic shots of Aquaman are from this Beta "preview" of the DC Universe Online game, being launched this month. Apparently Aquaman will have a "special mission" in the game involving the villain Circe (according to Jim Lee, reported to the Shrine by F.O.A.M.er Joe Slab).

As I have said many times before--I'm not a gamer, never have been; but if DC Universe Online affords players the chance to be the Sea King, I may change my mind!

Thanks Joe!


Siskoid said...

And is that armor a preview of things to come in the comics?

Wings1295 said...

Not a gamer, either, but I enjoy seeing the pics!

David J. Cutler said...

Unlikely, Siskoid--Flash and Batman wear body armor in this game as well. Just part of the look of the thing. You can't play as the DCU superheroes, either--only team up with them on missions. You play heroes or villains of your own creation and design.

Brent said...

Anyone know if they've ever made action figures from RGP versions of heroes? Not that I really need another Aquaman figure...

El Ka-Bong! said...

I am also a Beta tester for the game, and the Aquaman "dungeon" is my favorite one so far.

Earth 2 Chris said...

It seems odd that DC is changing the look of their characters for this. It's confusing enough to keep up with all of the minor costume alterations in today's comics. It's actually a cool look for Aquaman, but it's still a bit odd, since this can be a "gateway" for gamers to get into the characters.


Joe Huber said...

0_o.... Hoping this version shows up in the forthcoming limited series. I don't about any toys featuring this version coming up, but I do know that DC Direct is marketing some statue based on the game's design. I only really play World of Warcraft, but this could make me a Playstation owner.

JT said...

Anyone getting this for the PS3 ? Add me to your friends list. PSN Id : Scuzzy007

Maybe we can start a league for Atlantis-based heroes ... Justice League of Atlantis or something like that.

I'm hoping to see more Aquaman-related content in the future as Jens Andersen, the game's creative director is a fan of the sea king.

images2icons said...

Heya Rob!
I am a DCUO player and as you are aware I sent you pics of Arthur from the game, but I also sent you on FB a link to a video of Arthur and my character (Namor, yes THAT Namor) fighting. Check your FB for a clip of Arthur in action.

IADW said...

Aquaman vs Circe is a great match up!

Anything that puts Aquaman in front of a bigger audience is a great move. Maybe a decent Aquaman video game might not be that far away.

aquaman said...

Aquaman armor...geesh...has DC learned nothing? And why does in never look like it is made form beneath the sea? Ugh, Give me the days when he actually would perish if he was dry....

Anonymous said...

Great to see the King making appearences in other media.

But (like many others have stated) What the BUCK is with the armor!? Why can't they get all versions of Aquaman to look the same way?!
I mean look at the Young Justice toon, Short beard? No boots? bare feet? WTF, DC?