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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Aquaman Prototype - 2008

These are photos of the oversized prototype to the DC Universe Aquaman action figure that came out in 2008. The actual figure is the size of the smaller one you see at left; its standard in action figure production to do the original sculpt much larger than the end result.

I'm not exactly sure where I got these photos; I think maybe I saw this for sale on eBay and took them from there. I'd love to own one of these prototypes because they're so rare, but because of that very rare-ness they're ridiculously expensive.

Random Thought: If I was a kid and I had this prototype in my collection, it would make an excellent "giant statue in tribute to Aquaman" piece of set dressing in the little play world I'm creating in my head.


aquaman said...

I actually have this one! These are called "2 ups". Dc did a "2 up" Superman Cyborg and Batman. They did prototypes for Aquaman and Gl. These were done by the four horsemen I believe. This is a cool piece. Glad I have it!

Anonymous said...

Asome piece you own Ray. I love it.

prototypetoys@aol.com said...

Great piece Ray. If you have any leads on any others, please do drop me a line.