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Thursday, December 09, 2010

JLA: Lexington

This is our newest F.O.A.M. member, Andrew Kapellusch, dressed as the Sea King for Halloween 2007, along with other friends who went as the other members of the Justice League (or, as Andrew likes to call it, Justice League: Lexington).

But not only that, but Andrew sent an original painting he did of his pug, Walnut, also dressed as Aquaman:
Apparently this is the first of a set; Andrew plans to do another painting of their other dog, Dini (named after Paul), dressed as Aqualad.

(Not that Andrew knew this, but there is no surer way to get into F.O.A.M. than to work in your pet somehow. As someone who has a real thing for animals, seeing the love someone has for their dog, cat, gerbil, etc. really warms the cockles of my occasionally-Grinch-sized heart.

Anyway, I loved seeing this stuff, and its definitely F.O.A.M.-worthy material--thanks Andrew, and welcome to the club!

1 comment:

Wings1295 said...

Cool costume & very interesting art!