First Day Stamps are canceled stamps put on envelopes, made especially for collectors. F.O.A.M.er Christopher Chance sent me these ages ago, but for whatever reason I didn't post them at the time.
As you can see, some of the art choices on the envelopes--particularly for Aquaman--are rather perplexing. Why are two of his four panels from Sword of Atlantis? I realize that these probably appeal exclusively to comics fans, but it seems odd to me that when you're celebrating the iconic nature of these eight characters, you'd use a different (and different-looking) version of Aquaman, which is bound to confuse any non die-hard fan.
In any case, these are cool to see, thanks Chris!
I'm a bit confused by these. The Plastic Man one shows art from Batman: The Brave and The Bold, which didn't debut until 2008?
Yeah, and one of the Green Lantern images is taken from the 3 interlocking covers to Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps, which came out late-2009. They must be a more recent set.
To also include the Wonder Woman image in the lower right corner?
These ARE odd. I was at Comic-Con on the day the stamps were introduced (and bought a fortune in stamps, first day cancelations and Aquaman stamp art) and these envelopes were definitely not among what was available. Nice artwork over all (though I stay clear of A:SOA)...
These are bootlegs. Several pieces of the art would not exist for years afterwards, and a few of them feature non-DC-approved artwork (especially the four Wonder WOman one).
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