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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Darkseid Descending" 12/3/10!

Great Neptune! Just a reminder to all Aqua-Fans out there that the Sea King will appear in this week's new episode of Batman: Brave and the Bold, "Darkseid Descending", airing on 12/3/10 on Cartoon Network!


Joe Slab said...

Cool rob! At least we're getting some Aquaman love on the tube (Smallville, YoungJustice, Batman:BATB) because we sure ain't getting any again this week in Brightest Day #15.

Alas, only 2 more weeks until #16...

CDerosby said...

Aquaman is by far the best hero/character they've introduced to date on Batman: BATB.

Earth 2 Chris said...

Looks like B&B's version of the BWAHAHA League, along with Aquaman for good measure!
