Sure, the Big Three are the dominant characters here, but many other heroes get their due, including Aquaman, who kinda looks like he's about to sucker-punch Green Arrow:

This ad ran in most of DC's 1980 books, and it wasn't until I dug out the actual ad and compared the two posters did I see they're different creatures. I mean, they kinda look the same--they have the same central design, they're both by JLGL, but they're clearly two different items.
While working on this post, I found a shot of this poster, as well:
This poster looks to be by JLGL and Dick Giordano, and features a more broader sampling of the DCU. You can clearly see Aquaman, but he's fighting for space a lot more on this one (Enemy Ace??).
Aaron tells me he found both posters for sale at a comic shop in the 90s, who was moving a lot of old inventory for charity. The first one measures around 11x14", with no other details to be had. So, for now, the whys and wherefores of the first poster remain a mystery...for now at least.
In the meantime, thanks for the scans and info Aaron, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!
While working on this post, I found a shot of this poster, as well:

Aaron tells me he found both posters for sale at a comic shop in the 90s, who was moving a lot of old inventory for charity. The first one measures around 11x14", with no other details to be had. So, for now, the whys and wherefores of the first poster remain a mystery...for now at least.
In the meantime, thanks for the scans and info Aaron, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!
Not only possibly about to sucker punch GA but also running faster than Flash.
I had that Fan Club poster. I had it taped to my bedroom door for a few years and then I took it to college. I don't know what ever happened to it....! I've never seen the first one. I kind of like it better than the one I had.
Dynamic, fun & just wonderful!
This type of merchandise is right in my wheelhouse. All the JLGL Super Powers stuff was my first introduction to the DCU (well, along with Super Friends) so when I see things like this, it sends my Nostalgia Meter (patent pending) into overdrive. I'd love to be able to find the top poster, never seen it in person.
Excellent! You know the part at the end of the first Star Wars where they get the medals for destroying the Death Star? That's how I feel right now! Best (Canadian) Thanksgiving ever!
Enemy Ace is an incredibly oddball choice, but that makes the poster unique I guess! I'm glad you found that shot of the second poster - my own has a touch of mold (!) at the lower left - not enough to block the pic, it's not eyecatching and it's not on any of the figures, but I'm trying to decide if I should get it drymounted or something to kind of hide it. It was in a dank basement for a few years until I dug it up recently. It has now been moved to a dry location.
DC need to get these back in print Rob, that top one is fantastic! Glad to see me man The Riddler makes the grade too.
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