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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Aquaman, International Businessman

This "Aquaman, International Businessman" costume is being worn by F.O.A.M.er extraordinaire Russell Burbage, for a contest held at work.

Russell won third place, behind a Johnny Depp Mad Hatter costume and a Naavi from Avatar. Not a bad showing considering the relative subtlety of the costume, in idea and execution. Bonus points for the stuffed shark in the suitcase.

I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween, and thanks Russell!


Russell said...

Everyone who knows me knew who I was right away. If my hair had been more blonde I might have placed higher (it turned orange with the dye, not yellow).

I'm wearing this to the Mid-Ohio Con next week, too. :-)

Brent said...

Love the fish tie! Maybe you can use a conch shell as a cell phone!

Orin's dad said...

I think it's great Russell! Well done!