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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Aquaman and Animal Man - 1988

This unusual mention of Aquaman from Animal Man #2 comes from F.O.A.M.er Andrew M.. Interesting that such a punky-looking kid is a fan of Aquaman. You never can tell!

Good catch, thanks Andrew!


Wings1295 said...

His fans span all cultures and ... yeah, that's all I wanted to say. :)

David said...

You have to wonder what worth a superhero autograph would have anyway. That is to say, when a guy in a mask signs a name he made up, so what?

Randy said...

David, don't most movie stars sign a name they made up? Their stage names are very seldom their real names. They're worth a lot though.

r duncan said...

Jaime? Isn't that Blue Beetle?

Wil Radcliffe said...

The kid can't be much of an Aquaman fan if he doesn't even know what Aquaman looks like! LOL

Brent said...

@Will: my thoughts exactly!

Plaidstallions said...

That is my favourite comic series of all time, this scene and his later meeting with Superman are classic.