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Monday, September 20, 2010

Tundra - 9/16/10

Aquaman and his fellow Super Friends (although they aren't earning that name here) appeared in the 9/16/10 edition of the comic strip Tundra, by Chad Carpenter.

This was sent to me by our newest F.O.A.M. member, John Tripp. Thanks John, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!


Wings1295 said...


But, I am sure he will float to the surface again.

Sorry... bad pun.

Marc Tyler Nobleman said...

Back in 1993, a similar cartoon ran in the "Comics Buyer's Guide." See it by going to http://www.mtncartoons.com/, clicking "Cartoonist" on the left, and then clicking the hyperlinked "cartoon" in the section "Ages 18-21." No, it could not be more complicated.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Good thing this is the "Aquaman Shrine"... I can only imagine what one would find in a blog that doesn't like Aquaman! :P