At the beginning, I had a hard time coming up with even one current series that I could get really, really excited about that the Shrine already didn't talk about on occasion--Brave and the Bold, DC Super Friends, etc. And that's when I settled on Son of Tomahawk.
But not too long after that, I discovered a series that I fell in love with just a few pages into the first issue: Thor, The Mighty Avenger!

I'm not exactly sure how this story fits in the established Marvel Universe, and I don't care: this is such a delightfully fun, well-crafted adventure that I got totally swept up in it, and am quickly catching up on all the issues that are out. It features characters we're all familiar with: Thor, Jane, Loki, Mr. Hyde, Ant-Man and the Wasp, etc., but told in a less bombastic, more humanistic style, brought to life with a light touch by artist Samnee.
This series is rated "A", which means its for all audiences, and it really does fulfill that promise: the interplay between the characters is entertaining for adults, but there's nothing here that you couldn't show to a small kid who simply wants to read a good comic book--something I think is hard to find nowadays.
I'd love to try and tie this post into Aquaman somehow, but I guess that's not really necessary (though I'd love to see Samnee try his had on the Sea King!). Suffice it to say The Aquaman Shrine heartily recommends Thor: The Mighty Avenger!
Being better than both the regular Thor title and the Ultimate version of the character, I wish it WERE in continuity.
Wow, looks good! Last Marvel thing I bought was Strange Tales, the funny one, but this looks well worth it. I think what I gotta do is just take more time scouring the rack at the comic shop, do it old school and find these things.
I took your recommendation and picked this up today. I hope it's half as good as you make it sound, but I admit it does look cool. :-)
I <3 Chris Samnee's art!
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