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Friday, September 24, 2010

McDonald's Happy Meal Box - 2010

Today's post is a F.O.A.M.er two-fer: the Happy Meal box scan is from Aaron Bias, and the activity page is by Brent Almond. Thanks fellas!

Regarding the storyline on the box--not to be ungrateful, since its awesome that Aquaman got a figure in the set, but...why is Aquaman the one who needs to be rescued? I mean, come on---Aquaman rescued by Plastic Man and Blue Beetle? That's one adventure the Sea King won't be bragging about.

You can see Aquaman (barely) on the activity page, and the answer to the "Decode the Criminal!" puzzle is Black Manta. Nice!


David J. Cutler said...

Dunno if you saw Big Bang Theory last night, Rob, but they did a whole bit on Aquaman--"the thing I never got about him--where does he poop?" Pretty funny.

Aaron said...

rob!- Way to spoil the puzzle!punment