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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Aquaman on the Web: Smallville

Here's a short article on E! about Alan Ritchson's return to Smallville as A.C. Definitely some interesting thoughts about the character from the man who plays him...

(h/t: F.O.A.M.er Marcus Errico)


David J. Cutler said...

Aquaman is bubble-gummy? This season is going to be darker? The show is so depressing it was nice to have AC around as more of a positive force. Oh god, he's going to lose his hand, isn't he?

None of this bodes well, haha...

Aaron said...

Looking forward to it, I tend to think of Smallville as taking place on an Earth-Somewhere in the double digits, but I enjoy it. I mean it's gotten live action DC stuff out there more than any other show.