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Monday, August 23, 2010

DC Dynamics Aquaman Statue - 2010

Behold the newest addition to my Aquaman Collection--the DC Dynamics statue by Tim Bruckner!

Like all the statues/sculptures that have been hitting the market in the last couple of years, these babies, price-point wise, are beyond (way beyond) what I'm comfortable spending, so they usually are Aqua-items I just have to let pass me by.

But, like last year, F.O.A.M. member extraordinaire Russell Burbage went beyond (again, way beyond) the call of duty, corralling a team of other FOAMers (in this case, Vincent Bartilucci, Christopher Chance, Rick Duncan, George Rears, and Glenn Walker) to all chip in and, in tandem with Ed and Dee Evans (of my LCS, All Things Fun), get me this beauty for my birthday. Great Neptune!

The day I picked this up (August 18th, my alternate birthday, thanks to Russell) our area was cursed with overcast, cloudy weather. It stayed that way all this week, so I haven't yet been able to go to my favorite photographic spot (the lake down by our house) and take custom pics. But they're coming soon!
This is truly a beautiful piece, majestic and evocative of the character. And I'm thrilled that Aquaman got included in this initial quintet of statues!

Once again, I am humbled by Russell and everyone's generosity of spirit (not to mention finances, in these recessionary times) to not only note my birthday every year, but to arrange such a great gift. It truly means a lot to me, and I'm proud I've been able to create something like the Shrine that so many people take so much enjoyment in.

Thanks to Russell, Vince, Chris, Rick, George, Glenn, Ed & Dee, and to everyone!


Vincent Paul Bartilucci said...

Happy 'alternate' B-day, Rob!

Russell said...

On my way to FACEBOOK to create a group, "Change Rob Kelly's Birthday to Aug 18...Let's Get A Million Votes!"

Glad you like it, Skipper!

Brandan E said...

As non bias as I can be, the Aquaman bust is easily the best. In fact, I would say its the only one worth getting. Congrats Rob and happy belated.

Wings1295 said...

Congrats, Rob! Very cool statue and well deserved by the one who runs such a great place as The Shrine!