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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Aquaman and Shark by Samantha Zawisza

This is the other shark-themed Aquaman sketch sent to us by F.O.A.M.er Doug Zawisza to celebrate Shark Week.

This colorful portrait of Aquaman is by Samantha Zawisza, age 8, and Doug has some behind-the-scenes notes on its creation:

Funny note about Samantha's drawing: she drew the hands first with flesh colored marker then drew the gloves over the hands. I asked her if she was drawing the hands before drawing the gloves. She gave me this near-offended look, and said, 'Yeeeeessss.' As though it could never be done any other way..."

As if! Thanks Doug and Samantha!


Joe Slab said...

Wow, if Doug keeps having kids they can probably produce enough art for a monthly Aquaman book!LOL

Orin's dad said...

I love child logic!

Doug said...

Oh, we're done at three. . . .

Now if the oldest would just turn in her assignment. . .

IADW said...

I love all the Aqua kids art on the shrine and these two are no exception... just how they see things is so unique.

Here, I love that even the shark is happy. It's a great outlook :D

Shawn said...

When I was a little kid that's how I thought that artists drew people. That they would start out drawing them nude, then in their underwear, then in their superhero outfit and then their regular clothes over their costume.