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Friday, July 23, 2010

Young Justice Video Preview

I was out, away from Aquaman Shrine HQ most of the day, and my iPhone kept chiming with new messages from F.O.A.M. members telling me about the brand-new video preview of Young Justice coming out of the SDCC.

You can see the whole video here, and it features lots of shots of the new Aqualad, and a couple of the old man himself, rocking both his classic and pirate looks.

Thanks for the tip(s) guys, its great to know the Shrine is still active, even when I'm away from home!


David J. Cutler said...

Haven't been this excited for a cartoon since JLU was about to start.

Joe Slab said...

The preview rocked and our 1st view of the new Aqualad's powers!

IADW said...

This looks stunning! A 16 strong Justice League?!

Pun Isaac said...

I love Young Justice and Teen Titans. Like everyone else, I'm so pumped about this show.

David J. Cutler said...

16 strong--on the walls you can see Captain Marvel, Captain Atom, Red Tornado, Black Canary, Zatarra, and more. I have a feeling we'll be seeing Mary Marvel and a teenage Zatanna as well. I'm also theorizing that Artemis is actually Amazonian, but don't quote me!

Josh Hill said...

I was so excited to see this because I thought I was the only one in the world who thought Aquaman looked really cool when he had the beard, the long hair, and the classic orange and green in the comics (the early issues of his 90's series). I'm really glad they went that route here.

Anonymous said...

So does anyone know when and where this will be airing?

HollyH said...

Actually, Josh, I rather like the beard as well -- and this is a really good rendition of it.

I love this teaser and am excited for the show. I get really hung up on images like this, though -- trying to figure out intended continuity by the costumes. We can't tell what's going on with Aquaman's left hand. But the era Josh is talking about still used the green gloves, not the gold wrist-band things. Post-harpoon Aquaman didn't go back to the orange-shirt outfit until after he had gotten rid of the long hair and beard... and then he was the Dweller... and then he was dead. J'onn's costume sets it more in that post-Infinite-Crisis era, too.

I should just handwave and let it go, shouldn't I?

Vincent Paul Bartilucci said...

Sorry, but Aquaman looks like a bassist from some European Heavy Metal band there.

JasonMotesBowles said...
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JasonMotesBowles said...

If you freeze it at about 1:45, in the background you can see Garth as both Aqualad and Tempest and Mary Marvel in both her white and red costumes.

Jerome said...

Looks like they'll be using the Aqualad from Brightest Day. Anyone know what his powers are? From 2:16, It looks like hard water powers but where is the water coming from? Is he creating constructs from air? Maybe he carries a water source around.