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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Aquaman Original Art Gallery - Greg Schigiel/Katie Cook

These two sketches, by artists Greg Schigiel and Katie Cook, respectively, are from the collection of our newest F.O.A.M. member, Eric Henrickson who sent them to me over the weekend. I like them both, and I love how different they are from one another.

Normally that would be more than enough to "qualify" (I hate that word in this context) for F.O.A.M. status, but Eric has been doing even more for Aquaman and the Shrine, specifically. He's referenced the Sea King several times in his Geek Watch column for the Detroit News, and even mentioned the Shrine itself last year. Outrageous!

Thanks so much Eric, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!


Wings1295 said...

Awesome, all around!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous sketches, both!

Orin's dad said...

They are both way cool in their own respective way and style.