Sadly, the Aquaman doll itself is nowhere to be seen (in the tub, perhaps?), but I do love the Captain America shirt Mac is rocking. I think the Bicentennial was Cap's high-water mark in terms of merchandising, at least until the movie.
On a side note, this will probably be the only time Aquaman and Andrew Wyeth will ever be mentioned in the same sentence. Thanks Mac!
(If anyone else out there has photos like this you'd like to share, please send them along!)
I noticed that Andrew Wyeth painting before you wrote it up! Too cool for words (although, somewhat depressing in a living room, but what the hey).
I think most of the people on this site are long-time Aqua-fanatics. It will be interesting if people can prove my theory correct by sending in all sorts of old-time photos. :-)
Very cool!
The Wyeth painting is freaking me out -- we had the same one hanging in our dining room. It strongly says "mid-70s" to me, too.
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