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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Aquaman on the Web: Top 20 Covers

F.O.A.M.er Frank Lee Delano has a neat list of his Top 20 Aquaman Covers over on his Justice League Detroit blog (yes, there is one).

Its always fun seeing other people's picks for what covers are "best", and Frank picks some good ones. Go check it out!


Anonymous said...

To echo the bloggers observation, it is amazing how many Aquaman covers show him or one of his family dead or about to be killed. Luckily Brightest Day has been doing all it can to remedy that...

Diabolu Frank said...

Thanks for the link! God, that list was a bear! I couldn't do it all at once, so there's no telling how many hours it took. Aquaman really does have a remarkable library of covers, and I still feel such guilt for leaving out so many. A completely different set of covers could be compiled into a top 20 list and still be successful.

Wings1295 said...

Thanks for the heads up, Rob! He has a great list, with choices I would have picked!