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Thursday, May 20, 2010

JLA Membership Card - 2009

Even though I bought numerous packs of the Justice League of America Trading Card set that came out last year, I had no idea that another "bonus" card they randomly inserted into the packs were JLA Membership Cards!

F.O.A.M.er Mac Schafer sent me scans of the Aquaman one, featuring his thumbprint and authorized signature. As I said at the time, I thought the regular cards themselves were a little on the dull side, so its cool they threw in all these little bells and whistles.

Very cool, thanks Mac!

Update: As Frank points out in the comments, its spelled "Aquaman" not "Aqua Man." I'm starting to wonder if that autograph is genuine!


Diabolu Frank said...

The poor bastard can't write his own name correctly. I thought they had proper schools under the sea.

Colin Smith said...

Oh, isn't that splendid? That's just the sort of thing to appeal to the 8 year old in my soul.

But then, I still carry a FOOM card around in my wallet. Was once selling some old CDs to a very cynical and rather cool 30-something dealer who, when he saw the FOOM card, changed completely to the friendliest bloke in the word & added a third onto his offer.

What would he have offered if I'd have flashed an Aquaman card!

Wings1295 said...

Cool stuff, indeed!!!