The Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels - 2010
This is the cover to Volume 1 of The Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels, a massive, two-volume set (736 pages!) published by Greenwood Publications. I was told about this new book by Chuck Coletta, PHD, who teaches at the Department of Popular Culture at Bowling Green State University in Ohio.
Chuck wrote several entries for the book, including the one for Aquaman. The Encyclopedia's editor, M. Keith Booker, was kind enough to send it to me to post on the Shrine:
Chuck manages to cover most of the important moments in Aquaman's history in a fairly tiny space, and I especially like how he wraps it up. "Stalwart and recognizable", indeed!
(The set retails for a whopping $180.00, so I think its a safe bet most of the interested parties will look for it in their local libraries rather than buy their own copy. But, just in case:)
I really appreciate Mr. Booker generously sending me the Aquaman portion of the book for us to read, and to our newest member of F.O.A.M., Chuck Coletta, for cluing us in in the first place. Thanks Chuck, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!
I wonder if Aquaman's origin is going to change again. In the Brightest Day, they have him listed as being half human and half Atlantean. This would mean Atlan is not his father. I sure hope so. I don't like the King Orin years and I don't like Atlan being his dad. I hope they restore Tom Curry as being his biological father.
$180?! And the problem with books like these is they become out-of-date so quickly! If I plunked down that amount of cash, I should get a guarantee that continuity will now freeze and never change!
I wonder if Aquaman's origin is going to change again. In the Brightest Day, they have him listed as being half human and half Atlantean. This would mean Atlan is not his father. I sure hope so. I don't like the King Orin years and I don't like Atlan being his dad. I hope they restore Tom Curry as being his biological father.
$180?! And the problem with books like these is they become out-of-date so quickly! If I plunked down that amount of cash, I should get a guarantee that continuity will now freeze and never change!
Nice write-up, but geez, could they have included a cheesier photo?!?
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