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Friday, May 07, 2010

Comic Geek Speak: Aquaman

sgA couple of F.O.A.M.ers alerted me that the podcast Comic Geek Speak recently did an entire episode focusing on Aquaman.

I downloaded the episode (#840) and just finished listening to the whole thing. Overall, its fairly good, and the hosts of the show are definitely fans and have tried to keep all the various Aquaman back stories straight (no easy trick).

They do get a number of details wrong, which is kinda frustrating, and for some reason they got a lot of their Aquaman info from Wikipedia. I guess that's because there are no decent Aquaman sites on the web. (They even mention Tegan's site as well as the Shrine, which was nice but a little bewildering)

If you're an obsessive AquaFan (and why else would you be here if you weren't?), you're not going to learn much, but its not a bad primer for the character, poised as he is to return to the DCU in a big way.

You can find the show on iTunes and on their website.


Aaron said...

Hi rob! I just nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger award.


Peter said...

Thanks for the shout-out! As one of the hosts, we made it clear from the beginning that this wasn't meant to be an info-dump ep - just a conversation about Aquaman based on what we read/know/remember which isn't always on the spot - but it's meant to excite people to go find out more for themselves. I know for my notes I rarely went to Wikipedia - because if that's the kind of episode people want to hear, they can just read the article themselves.

Not sure why it was bewildering to mention Aquaman websites - I thought they were very useful in crosschecking info from comics I no longer had.

Thanks for listening!

Tegan said...

It was bewildering because of the nature of the information you got wrong. Stuff that was easily checked if you weren't relying on Wikipedia.

rob! said...


Kinda what Tegan said. You may not have used Wikipedia much, but since it was the only site you referenced that was all I had to go by.

Then when you mentioned the Shrine and Laura's site, I was confused--why use Wiki when you knew of two very thorough sites on the character? That's all that I meant by that.

I hope I don't sound too hard on you--I did enjoy the show, and it was great Aquaman got that much attention. Maybe you could do a sequel episode with Tegan and me as your guests?

Tegan said...


I've actually started using the podcast as an example of why you shouldn't do primary research on Wikipedia. That "Crown Point, Indiana" vandal made it into a podcast because someone didn't suspect that Aquaman couldn't have been born there (I mean, seriously? What a bizarre piece of nonsense!) and included it in what tried to be an informational piece.

When you start out a podcast that's over an hour long with such a blatant piece of misinformation, it taints the rest of the data in your transmission. And to date, I've seen no correction or even acknowledgment of the mistake on the Podcast site, even though I saw a correction of the Mera misinformation.

Like Rob, I enjoyed the podcast overall, but those mistakes really messed up what should have been a happy discussion of Aquaman. It may have been less than 2% of the podcast, but mistakes tend to really stand out.


I'm not sure that Peter would welcome me on a future Podcast, as he's already threatened to "omit" me from the original because I was so hard on him in my initial review.

Which makes me giggle, I'm sad to say. I'm an Aquaman fan, I'm used to abuse.

-Laura Gjovaag