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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Aquaman Original Art Gallery - Dave Stokes

F.O.A.M.er Joe Mello is King of Teh Internets today, having sent me another piece for the Shrine--this awesome sketch by artist Dave Stokes!

I really like this piece--the pose, the wavy seaweed, that streak of white water cutting across the figure. Its a really nice portrait of the Sea King!

You can check out more of Mr. Stokes' work here. Thanks again Joe!


Airship Over Water said...

Wow -- it looks gorgeous. I really, really like this piece.

I feel very conflicted between the "V-neck" look and the newer look from Brightest Day where his suit goes up under his chin.

The "V-neck" design here looks awesome, but the new design looks good too. I can handle Aquaman having different outfits, I suppose.

Count Drunkula said...

I like a little of Arthur's neck and shoulders showing, but the new design shirt is starting to grow on me.

This is an awesome sketch. Well done.

Wings1295 said...

Really like this one, too. And it makes up for the weird stuff I found earlier. :)

Orin's dad said...

Wings, I have to agree...you've redeemed yourself with this one.

Ryan, I also agree with you; the new costume is growing on me.