F.O.A.M.er Shag Matthews sent me a link to Comics Alliance, which features several classic Hostess ads (starring Batman, Spider-Man, Aquaman, and more!) shilling for KFC's new "Double Down" sandwich, an item so filled with grease, fat, and calories that eating it will probably fell anyone with a weaker heart than Metallo.
I still think DC and Marvel should do these kinds of ads again (just not for this). Thanks Shag!
It makes more sense that he would sell for KFC then Long John Silver's. I mean Aquaman may have known those fish.
Why does KFC do everything in its power to ruin food?
I don't think Aquaman would shill for something that deadly!
The funny thing is, I'm not sure we'd even be hearing about the Double Down if it had a bun around it, and that would actually make it more unhealthy.
At least Mera didn't offer the astronauts a choice of 'chicken or fish'!
I loved these kind of ad's too, some of them wer actually pretty good little capers.
This is too funny...from the "I'll help by...sigh..summoning porpoises.." line to the "wait, did you just say "suffering sharks?"" I love the way this whole thing is written tongue in cheek.
And, that last line, while eating the sandwich..is the astronaut choking on it and calling for a doctor??? Maybe he knows how unhealthy that thing is and this is his subtle way of warning the kids.
I love the assumption that space aliens are commies.
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