I was shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Dick Giordano, legendary artist and editor.
At the moment, I don't think I can quite put into words how much Mr. Giordano's work meant to me. Always being more of a DC kid than a Marvel one, in my mind Dick Giordano's style simply was DC Comics. His work appeared in countless DC books, not to mention on a metric ton of their merchandise, so much of which the Shrine has highlighted here.
I was lucky enough to have the chance to do an interview with Mr. Giordano (which you can read here), and he was a total delight to talk to. I was also fortunate enough to get an original Aquaman sketch by him (above), and its one of my most treasured Aquaman pieces.
As an editor, he helped oversee Aquaman when he took over the book in the late 1960s. Working with writer Steve Skeates and Jim Aparo, Giordano's legendary "hands-off" approach helped foster one of--if not the--best, most sustained periods in the character's history.
Mr. Giordano had been living in Florida for many years, and rarely made it to any cons that I attended. I was always hoping one day I'd get the chance to meet him in person, shake his hand, and tell him how much his work meant to me. I'm glad I got the chance to do that, at least via email.
Rest in peace, Dick Giordano.
Rest in Peace Mr. Giordano, May you take your place among those who made the world of four-color fantasy...FUN!
Dick was one of the good guys in comics and he will be greatly missed!
Nice touch Rob with changing the Shrine's banner in his honor.
Not sure if many fans know this but Dick had a special liking of Mera and he was instrumental in modifying the storyline of the Aquaman mini-series where she "died" to avoid that horrible outcome.
Nice tribute, Rob. Is there any DC or comics fan who hasn't been touched by his art?
That is a great tribute to a great guy Rob, and I too like the touch of changing the masthead in his honour.
Kinda spooky in that the word verification puzzle as I type this actually reads 'welose'.
Thoughts go to Dick's family and friends.
I remember a few years back when Phil Norris died and how little (none) coverage DC's web site gave to his passing. I hope (and expect) they will do Dick Giordano more honor.
Until I added up those dates in my head, I had no idea Giordano was old enough to shock me with a death notice. He still seemed so vibrant in interviews, even after all these years away from regular publishing (six years since Future Comics closed shop.) Besides his voluminous artwork, he was the voice of DC Comics throughout my childhood with his Meanwhile... editorial columns. DC never did recover from his departure, and the industry as a whole is lesser for the loss of another one of the greats.
He was one of my favorites as a kid and an artist and editor whose work I would always enjoy, even when it didn't feature Aquaman. He was a very talented man, and he will be missed.
There is so much to celebrate in Mr Giordano's creative life. But most relevant to The Aquaman Shrine is what Rob quite correctly calls "one of--if not the--best, most sustained periods in the character's history". Aquaman fans shall always be grateful to him for his splendid stewardship of Arthur's solo book. On a personal level, I recall even as a young boy realising how every artist - & I mean every artist - looked better when Mr Giordano inked them. It wasn't just superstars like Adams, Byrne & Perez whose work shone brighter under his brushwork. He took solid competent journeymen work & showed its very best qualities in a new & flattering light. Dick Dillen's JLA pencils never ever looked as splendid as they did when Mr Giordano worked with him.(Aquaman looked fine there too.) Hurrah for Mr Giordano!
I met him once in the mid 80's at the Mid-Ohio Con. He was very nice and answered any questions I had. I hope DC has the decency to put out some type of memorial to his work.
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