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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Agents of F.O.A.M. in 3D!

One of the Shrine's Agents of F.O.A.M. is our newest member, Wallace McBride. Wallace generously sent me some money to have some promo stickers sent to him so he can give them out at comic cons.

Not only that, but he made this nifty little 3D photo of Camo Suit Aquaman rocking his Agent of F.O.A.M. sticker like a placard! Not having a pair of 3D glasses on me, I can't take in the effect, but its cool nevertheless. Thanks Wallace and welcome to F.O.A.M.!

By the way, its a good time to mention that everyone who requested a set of F.O.A.M. stickers have been sent some. We still have some more sticker sheets that can used for the cause, so if anyone else would like to be an Agent of F.O.A.M., just ask!

1 comment:

Jamdin said...

The 3D effects looks great with my Hondo glasses on backwards.