I'm not sure what to say about this thing--I keep going back to the comment my friend Doug Slack said about it: "Is that Aquaman after encountering Bugs Bunny with a sledgehammer?"
I hope they make a Black Manta Blammoid, so Aquaman has someone to fight!
People have really mixed feelings about the Blammoid line... I keep my Aquaman on the shelf and it's a cute toy. It's a fun thing to show off in your cubicle that some people will get, and others will just think it's something artsy. Aquaman was one of the most popular ones from the first wave, and sold out in the first day at the comic shop I work at.
I bought this thing cause it's Aquaman but it's the stupidest thing I have ever seen. He has no eyes and yeah, it looks like he got hit over the head with a sledgehammer.
It's a funny thing, but I would pick this up for sure if it had eyes. Most of the other figures have eyes or a mouth. Neither here. Not doing it for me.
this reminds me of those Pocket Heroes DC did about ten years ago. it seems like a cute idea at first, but it quickly loses it's charm and then just disappears into obscurity. I don't see these Blammoids lasting.
I too picked this up last week only because it was Aquaman. I, too, don't see the attraction, and I won't be buying anybody else. Unless of course they make Black Manta, which I predict they won't, because Manta's visual appeal lies in his helmet, and how on earth would that look good blammed?
I liked the Pocket Heroes. I bought quite a few of those. This line...not at all.
I kinda like it, just because it's so different, but none of my local stores carried any of the Blammoid line, so I've been out of luck with this one so far. May have to hit ebay up for this one.
I agree, cute, different, something out of the norm. Nothing wrong with that.
I think one of the main points about the Blammoid line was to take the trademarks of a character and hyper-deform them. Aquaman has never been a character known for his face, but rather his golden hair and the bright colored uniform. I don't mind that his character doesn't have any facial features, because his face is just ordinary.
The only problem I have with this line is that in all the promo pictures (and the pictures on the back of the package) the gap between the legs is cleared. That space isn't cleared on the actual toys, and instead it's painted black.
I love Japanese designer toys and cute super deformed things like Mighty Muggs and even Marvel's Super Hero Squad toys (and the Batman Brave & The Bold toys that are similar), but this thing is just weird and ugly. No thanks!
This is proof positive that I'm getting old. I just don't understand the purpose of this toy or why anyone would want to have one.
Shhhhh....be vewwy, vewwy quiet...I'm hunting Mantas! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-*Bonk!*
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