I probably haven't given Tegan enough credit for helping inspire me to start the Shrine. Back in 1998, I started working for a company doing graphic design, and for the first time in several years I had unfettered (in theory) internet access.
So one day, with this new, wonderful thing called The Internet in front of me, I just started randomly looking up stuff I was interested in. Of course, Aquaman was near the top of the list, and within a few moments I found--*gasp*--an entire website devoted to Aquaman?!?
I had never dreamed someone out there liked Aquaman as much as I did, so I'd say at that moment the seed was planted. Thanks Tegan!
Sorry about the blurry pic.
And thanks Rob. When I got online, there was no Aquaman page. I started one mostly as an exercise in HTML, and I've had ups and downs through the years. I'm glad the Aquaman Shrine has taken up the slack!
Great pic, blurry or not!
And in (not only) my opinion, you BOTH deserve kudos for the awesome ways you have brought Aquaman to the web and to the multitude of fans who love him. You both should be honorary Atlanteans!
Hail Atlantis! We miss you in the chatroom, AP!
BD (aka Pat Curley)
I discovered Tegan's site first, which then led me to the Shrine. Both have been bookmarked in my favorites for so long it's not even funny. I agree with Wings, you both are awesome and should be honorary Atlanteans!
Yeah, much love to Tegan and her site.
Back when I first discovered "surfin' the 'Net" and was looking for like-minded people and hobbies, I discovered her page and visited quite often.
I was always blown away by her passion for Aquaman. I had never known any other fans before and it was great to have her provide us die-hards with a forum.
Kudos Tegan!
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