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Friday, January 29, 2010

The JLA at DragonCon!

This photo of an all-too-realistic Justice League came from last year's DragonCon--a pretty amazing collection of devoted superhero fans!

Sure, it looks like some of the heroes--Hawkman in particular--has had a few too many Denny's Grand Slam Breakfasts, but the sheer amount of creativity, dedication, and attention to detail on display cannot be questioned. The guy playing Aquaman looks particularly proud, as he should be.

But...what's Captain Action doing there?!? Is he applying for membership?


Rick L. Phillips said...

Captain Action! He could have been the whole JLA

Russell said...

I think that Zatanna, Hawkwoman, and The Question are my favorites, although Vixen looks kinda sweet, too.

I love coming across pictures like this. It makes me (currently wearing my JLA sweatshirt from the WB store) feel more normal. :-)

Wings1295 said...

How amazing is that? Wow.

Orin's dad said...

That is totally cool...

Oscar Olalde said...

Sure thing, Nth-metal can heal your most gruesome wounds faster than average, but it won't burn any calories? what a shame.

Luis said...

Gotta admire Hawkman, shirtless and just letting it all hang out. The costume is very well made, though. The wings in particular. The mace is also a nice touch. I wish Rob had posted a bigger sized picture to see all the detail.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just...wow...ha, those are some incredibly accurate costumes. Yeah, they are mostly on the pudgier-than-your-average-superhero size, but it certainly takes guts to try and live up to our muscle-bound demigogs. That Question costume is especially cool, but then these are all fantastic.

rob! said...


If I had had a bigger pic, I would have posted it.

Btw, I wonder why Katar and Shayera aren't standing together?

Unknown said...

I don't think that is Captain Action. I'm pretty sure it's Blackhawk.

rob! said...


I think that's the CA logo on his chest--the red/blue/yellow inverted triangle. It would make more sense if it was Blackhawk...