This is a French edition of Aquaman, generously provided by F.O.A.M. member Russell Burbage.
And what a book it is! 76 pages long, it has all kinds of features crammed into it, all with some of the oddest formatting I've ever seen in a comic book, of any country.
After you get past the cover (printed on slightly thicker cardstock--and check out the all-around Go-Go Check border!), you get the same cover, again, this time printed on traditional comic book cover paper.
After that are two pages of what looks like those Statement of Ownership thingies comic companies used to have to put in all their books from time to time (except there, the dry facts and figures are accompanied by headshots of some characters like The Fox and the Crow). Then after that is yet another cover, this time of the story in question:

Then the book seems to sort of start all over, with another set of covers, printed on slick paper:

Luckily, Aquaman as a character has been blessed by having superb artists render his adventures, so the Nick Cardy work here looks just fine without the color:

Oh, I'm sorry--"Le Chimpanze' Detective":

Not knowing much about this series (I couldn't find any listing for it on the GCBD), I don't know whether this was an anthology series that just happened to feature Aquaman for this issue, or this was an ongoing Aquaman series.
If the latter, then that means this Aquaman series, at issue #80, lasted longer than any of his American series. *sigh*
Anyway, I loved getting a look at this French version of the King of the Seven Seas--thanks Russell!
Spotlighting French Aquaman comics on the day of American independence? "Le Justicier Des Mers"? Really, Rob?!
I'll just take this is a sly joke, then...
Well, Dix, the French did help bankroll our fight for independence against the British, so...
Interesting. I believe I have, somewhere, a couple of Italian issues of Aquaman or JLA that my cousin sent to me when she was stationed in Italy. Will have to try and find them!
Alright, Rob. You've won me over with your attentiveness to the history of the American revolution. And besides... These comics are pretty cool! Happy Fourth!
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