How can you not feature Aquaman in a shot of the Super Friends while they're schlepping for an aquatic/acrobatic show? Especially since Aquaman was represented in the show itself!
This ad ran on the back cover of pretty much every DC comic for a couple of months in 1977. As a kid, I grimaced every time I saw it, which was a lot. Bah!
You and me both. I have always felt the exact same way about this ad. To this day, I still cringe when I see this ad if I'm rereading an old issue and I get to this page.
I remember seeing the actual show at Sea World in Ohio. Really great family vacation memory. We stopped in Metropolis, IL that year too! What a SUPER summer! :)
I saw this show also. I will always remember when Penguin challenged Aquaman to a skiing competiton. It was because Aquaman was the best barefoot skiier (no skis used). Penguin thought that he could win.
Odd choice for a match-up. I think that if you search on the Comic fan art page you can actually find the rough pencil drawings of this ad.
Seriously? A Sea World ad with no Aquaman? Way to miss the boat there, Sea World...
Wow - major faux pas. I wonder how long it took for someone at DC to look at it and say "Wait a mintue..."
oh well...
I remember this ad very well, though sadly I never got to see the Sea World show. I always found it odd that Superman would need to waterski.
Luis, it's common knowledge that Ohio has a red sun! ;)
Hatter is right. I've recently learned that Aquaman was (at least technically speaking) the star of the show, given the hardest stunt. So he didn't get love in print, but he certainly did in person! More to be revealed soon...
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