Anyway, what I call "The Rob Kelly Family of Blogs" was gifted with two different Dardos--one for The Aquaman Shrine (awarded to me by Jon Knutson of Random Acts of Geekery, and then again by Shag Matthews of Once Upon A Geek), and one for I Am The Phantom Stranger, awarded to me by "Chris Bankrobber" of the blog When Is Evil Cool?
So now its my job to spread the love, and award the Dardo to five other blogs I think are really cool. Ok, so here goes:
Gorilla Daze - run by Allan Harvey, this blog covers all kinds of weird ephemera in the world of comics. No overarching theme to the blog, its just a lot of fun.
By Ken Levine - a blog by Big Time TV writer/director/producer Ken Levine, who has worked on series like Frasier, Cheers, and M*A*S*H. Great insights into the world of Hollywood, all done with razor sharp wit.
And Then I Wrote... - a blog by Big Time comics and book writer Paul Kupperberg, who offers us daily glimpses into the life of a professional writer. I'd love the blog even if I didn't know Paul and call him a friend.
Siskoid's Blog of Geekery - Siskoid manages to post more in one day on one blog than I do on all my blogs combined. Covering comics, TV, movies, DVDs, games, and lots more, plus a seemingly neverending examination of Star Trek in all its forms.
Sitcom Diablo - From the man who brought you Plaid Stallions, comes this blog covering TV--mostly bad TV--in all its myriad forms. Brian's writing is fall down (well, fall out of chair) funny, so I'm glad we get two doses of his humor a day on teh internets.
So those are my Dardo Awards! Thanks to Jon, Shag, and Chris for mine! Eat, blog, and be merry!
Thanks Rob, that is very kind of you. My own meme-out HERE.
Share the love.
Thank you, Rob. I'm sincerely flattered.
(But I couldn't have done it without the little people...the tiny little ones inside my computer who draw all the pictures and write on the screen!)
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