I remember seeing this on the shelf back in the late 90s, but never felt quite compelled enough to pick them up, Aquaman's involvement notwithstanding.
Luckily F.O.A.M. member Shag Matthews did, and generously sent me a scan of all the various boxes (there were three different designs). Thanks Shag!
As I've said before, I never really warmed up to the hook-for-a-hand version of Aquaman, but the Animated Series-style version is the one most attractive to me. Plus you could eat macaroni in the shape of Aquaman's "A" symbol!
Post Script: No mention of these DC Superhero Mac and Cheese sets would be complete without Evan Dorkin's...unique take on them, via his Eltingville Comics Club characters in the brilliant comic book Dork!
So please click here to read the relevant passage, but be warned--it gets rough.
Reminder: You have until this Sunday, 10/12, to get in your "Aquaman Shrine" pictures so I can post them on the Shrine's 2nd anniversary, October 13th!
It can be as many or as few items as you like--however it is that you choose to honor the King of the Seven Seas!
Luckily F.O.A.M. member Shag Matthews did, and generously sent me a scan of all the various boxes (there were three different designs). Thanks Shag!
As I've said before, I never really warmed up to the hook-for-a-hand version of Aquaman, but the Animated Series-style version is the one most attractive to me. Plus you could eat macaroni in the shape of Aquaman's "A" symbol!
Post Script: No mention of these DC Superhero Mac and Cheese sets would be complete without Evan Dorkin's...unique take on them, via his Eltingville Comics Club characters in the brilliant comic book Dork!
So please click here to read the relevant passage, but be warned--it gets rough.
Reminder: You have until this Sunday, 10/12, to get in your "Aquaman Shrine" pictures so I can post them on the Shrine's 2nd anniversary, October 13th!
It can be as many or as few items as you like--however it is that you choose to honor the King of the Seven Seas!
I still have a few boxes of these (with the macaroni still in them!) lying about. I remember sending in for the "balancing figures" of Supes, Bats and WW. That was during the brief "balancing eagle" fad, where those things were all over flea markets and junk stores. The figures are fine for a mail in, but they hardly qualify as "balancing" on their bases.
I had a couple of boxes of those, stored logically in my pantry. About three years ago, the wife and I went away and my mother in law made the pasta for my son, not knowing it was very old.
He survived despite eating something a few years older than him.
I ate those for a while, and saved some of the used boxes (sans protective covering, fanboy!) They never cooked thoroughly, and tasted pretty lousy.
Hey Frank - A man who lives in a glass house.... ;)
The Irredeemable Shag
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