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Monday, August 18, 2008

Super-Homem #1

This really intriguing-looking Brazilian comic book cover was sent to me by newest F.O.A.M. member Kyall Coulton, who runs the amazing site Wonder Woman Collectors.com (which I urge you all to check out).

Kyall and I started looking over each others sites, trying to find stuff that we could use for our own purposes. Kyall's collection truly is a thing to behold, so I didn't have too much, but I was glad to be able to offer up an item or two.

Since then, Kyall has sent me a bunch of cool stuff that happens to feature both the Amazing Amazon and the Sea King, like this cover. The art to my eyes kind of looks like a combo of Ernie Colon and Moebius, and colored in a very low-key way.

Interesting to note, of the three heroes, Aquaman is the one whose logo is presented. I guess that's because it didn't require any re-lettering to match the language.

It reprints DC Comics Presents #9, a Superman team-up with Wonder Woman. So why is Aquaman even on the cover? Oh well, it's nice-looking in any case...

Thanks Kyall!


Scurvy said...

Wow, that's odd looking artwork. I kinda like it though. Is the magazine from Brazil or something?

Anonymous said...

I didn't even recognize Arthur... that's some odd coloring there.

rob! said...

yeah, its from Brazil. i should have added that in the first place!

Siskoid said...

Mad scientist Aquamans will consume your soul!