This is another page from the Super Friends sticker/stamp album sent to me by F.O.A.M. member Ramiro. When I posted the first page last week, I had misplaced who had sent it to me; luckily Ramiro came forth to take credit. Thanks Ramiro!
This page is complete (always nice) and features a series of unusual, rarely-seen combos--Wonder Woman and Green Arrow, Superman, Krypto, and Robin, and Batman and Supergirl (not to mention a very sexy Catwoman)! Aquaman remains stoicly alone atop his seahorse.
But, hands down, my favorite part of this page is the recessed image:
Great Neptune, this is what I think of when I think of the DC Universe I knew as a kid--everybody's happy to be with one another, nobody had blown up a city, or been murdered by the Anti-Monitor, or been shot and crippled by The Joker.
Hasta pronto, amigos!
This page is complete (always nice) and features a series of unusual, rarely-seen combos--Wonder Woman and Green Arrow, Superman, Krypto, and Robin, and Batman and Supergirl (not to mention a very sexy Catwoman)! Aquaman remains stoicly alone atop his seahorse.
But, hands down, my favorite part of this page is the recessed image:

Hasta pronto, amigos!
This has been what I have thougth of for the DC Universe too and I felt the same with the Marvel Universe. till characters like the Punisher and Wolverine got popular. It really changed with the death of Captain America.
Happy, smiling superheroes without blodd on their hands and darkness in their hearts? That is SO retro...
...And I SO miss it...
I still think Flecha Verde is a much more awesome name than Green Arrow. I'm writing a letter to Judd Winick as we speak.
Every element on that page is just plain awesome!
I hear ya on the days of DC past, it's a different time for comics man, a different time...
That's a lovely Supergirl too.
I'm sorry. I mean a lovely Superchica.
I've said it before, but the early 80s was, in my mind, the peak of the DCU. The stories and art had matured to a level satisfactory for adults, but still suitable (for the most part) to children. With Crisis, everything seemed to get way too dark, complicated, and disturbing.
I agree with all the comments posted above... I want to cry! Makes me remind so much memories from my chilhood. You know Rob, I found a store in Santiago that sells this album with ALL its stamps. Its a pure delight to have in your hands!
Hasta pronto amigos!
Thanks for sharing this album with us. The watercolor effect on the art is stunning, and really works for this.
I have to agree with all of the previous posts. While I do find some of the current stories readable, (and I would be a hypocrite if I didn't admit that), I do miss the pre-Crisis days. I remember how Supergirl's death affected me and how mad I was that this happened. For whatever reason, the death of WW and the Flash at the time didn't affect me because the whole "let's ostracize Flash because he's a murderer" angle turned me off, and the last minute marriage of WW to Trevor before killing her off was just plain stupid. At the time this was happening, I remember looking through my newspaper and finding a classified ad from a man who was selling off his comic collection because of Supergirl's death. Shortly after I remember reading an article in Comic's Scene about the John Byrne revamp of Superman where it was decided that he and Bats would/should no longer be friends. I was really disappointed in what comics were becoming during that time which led to my abandonment of them in the 90s. I've only recently returned, and I find myself enjoying collecting the Showcase presents volumes (Aquaman vol 3 comes out in Jan 09) and rereading the classic tales. It truly seems that these days as origins are retold, more blood is spilled.
On a lighter note: Amazon lists the Showcase presents Aquaman volumes 1 and 2 as available in library binding. They are more expensive, but probably more durable.
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