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Friday, July 04, 2008

Super Friends Puzzle Book - 1977

This was one of those items I saw advertised a thousand times growing up, but over the years just never seemed to get around picking up a copy of. How have I resisted that Alex Toth (with add-ons) cover all this time?

Anyway, F.O.A.M. member Russell Burbage stepped up to the metaphorical plate, and sent me...not just a scan of the cover, but scans of every interior page.

And if that wasn't obsessive enough, since the puzzles were already completed, Russell re-did all of them, adding graphics from all the various eras of the characters! Great Neptune!

So here are the two pages that featured Aquaman-centric puzzles, perfect to print out and try while you're enjoying your July 4th holiday:
(Click here to see the answers, if you must cheat.)

Wow, that is dedication. Thanks Russell!


The Irredeemable Shag said...

That is super-cool! I love me some activity books, so this would be a dream! I wonder if they did any similar type merchandise for the recent JL & JLU cartoons. If so, I may have to try and get some for my eight-year old.

I think I feel inspired to create another superhero crossword puzzle. I did a JLA crossword puzzle back in April. Maybe I should do one just about Aquaman this time. Hmmm... Would anyone be interested in one? Let me know if you are. Here is a link to my JLA crossword puzzle.
JLA Crossword Puzzle

The Irredeemable Shag

rob! said...

that is way cool!