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Monday, June 30, 2008

Mexican Plastic Figure - ?

sgI bought this on eBay a few weeks ago, it's a (presumably) bootleg figure, standing about 6" high, of Aquaman hailing a cab.

This figure wasn't all that well cared for, since you can see someone decided to try and color in the face with...blue magic marker?

In any case, its odd and kinda lame, which means I love it.


Rick L. Phillips said...

If you lay him on his stomach he might look like he is swimming.

Siskoid said...

"I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth..."

Luis said...

Could this figure possibly be from Mexico? Bootleg toys are commonplace here in Mexico (where I live). Howevere I must say that most of them are MUCH better made than this one. I don't recall seeing any Aquaman ones though. I do note a costume variation as Aquaman is wearing boots. Also the pose of one hand up and one hand down is a common pose among Mexican wrestling figures.

rob! said...

the ebay seller said that's where its from, though of course they could be mistaken.

Anonymous said...

That could also be a wretched re-do of the Marx IRON MAM; there are some Mexican bootlegs like that.

Anonymous said...

(Sheesh - that's "MaN!" "Iron Mams," that's Chyna!)

chunky B said...

hee hee, Iron Mam...

Great looking Aquaman Rob! It's always the slightly cheesy toys that are the best!