I had another post all ready for today, until I came across this passage in the newest issue of Entertainment Weekly (issue 995/996, with the Mad Men cover), inside of an article called "Why I Hate Superheroes" by Chris Nashawaty:
"...the most ridiculous crime fighter in the DC Comics stable"?!?
'Dems fightin' words, Mr. Nashawaty!
This isn't over...
Update: Immediately after writing the above, I decided to contact Mr. Nashawaty and invite him to an Aquaman Shrine "Town Hall" (since that phrase is so much in the news right now).
This would involve sending him questions and/or statements concerning the Sea King, and asking for his point of view, and try and defend the vicious calumny he's directed at our hero!
We'll see if he responds. Watch this space...
Bring it on Mr. Nashawaty. Don't forget to wear your floaties.
I wonder how he would change Aquaman if he were to write for him?
The usual "speaking through one's hat" entertainment "journalism".
His experience with Aquaman probably starts and ends with an Eddie Murphy stand-up.
I bet Aquaman qould have a few things to say to this Mr. Nashawaty. If he weren't so busy SAVING 3/4 OF THE EARTH.
Why would it surprise someone that Aquaman would be featured in a movie, I bet he could star in a movie.
The point people seem to be forgetting, however, is that the guy hates ALL super-hero movies. So it shouldn't be surprising that he hates Aquaman. (sigh)
I'm really interested to hear whether Nashawaty bothers to respond to your e-mail at all.
The Irredeemable Shag
If anything, Aquaman is more significant a hero than any other hero. Who else's mission is the environment?
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