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Friday, April 25, 2008

Super Amigos Sticker Album Part 4 - 1985

Yet another set of Super Amigos Sticker Album pages, courtesy F.O.A.M.er Ramiro, from the Amos Del Retro site. (Just last week, Ramiro sent me more cool stuff like this, and I haven't even gotten through all the stuff he sent the first time!)

This seems to be some Asterix-like character in a Tintin-like adventure, until a Jose Luis Garcia Lopez Aquaman shows up. Other than that, I have absolutely no idea what's going on here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola, realmente me parecio excelente tu blog. Te queria pedir si estas de acuerdo en hacernos un enlace, te dejo la dire de mi blog para que entres y decidas www.universoretro.com.ar
Espero tu respuesta.
Gracias y saludos
