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Friday, January 04, 2008

Breaking Aquaman News!

sg***This just in! Exciting Aquaman News!***

This is from the letter column of Justice League Unlimited #41, the issue that came out today. As I read the letter by young Carson Kaashagen, I found myself agreeing with his assessment on Aquaman...

...but then I got to the answer from Johnny DC, and my heart skipped a beat--Aquaman? Original look?? New comic in 2008???

Of course, we don't know if this means a new Aquaman solo series, a special, a mini-series, etc. But this is undoubtedly good news for any AquaFan!


Tegan said...

I suspect that this is SUPER FRIENDS, the new kids book solicited in January's Previews.

Yeah, I hope for something else, but that's what I'm thinking. And I'm really looking forward to it, too.

rob! said...


that sound you hear is the cold water being dumped on my enthusiasm.

OF COURSE, that's got to be it, the Super Friends book. makes total sense...

oh well, got excited there for a second... :)

Siskoid said...

Though Final Crisis may result in all the classic heroes returning to basics, or at least appearing. Isn't Arthur on the teaser poster? I can't remember.

Siskoid said...

Actually, he isn't. Just checked. Wish I hadn't.

Anonymous said...

Man Rob.....you got my hopes up. I tell you what though, I'm going to start writing letters to Johnny DC, and DC in general. The JLU comic has a lot of potential. I mean, they're telling stories in the JLU world, meaning they have a tremendous advantage over any other DC book. They aren't bound by bad continuity, but instead of telling stories that both adults and kids can really enjoy, like the show did, they're getting more and more childish. Maybe some letters pleading for a bit more depth (and for more Aquaman) will help.

Anonymous said...

And by the way, what DID happen to Hawkgirl, anyway? Why does she wear her Hawk gear on the covers, but not inside the stories? Did I miss something somewhere?

Anonymous said...

Did you ever see the finale for JLA season 2? Without giving anything away, something happens to cause her to forsake her previous look...and her previous life.