I'm not exactly sure who these are supposed to appeal to, since they are the most girly of girl dolls, and I don't think too many, say, American Girl Doll collectors were clamoring for Aquaman (or superheroes in general) to add to their collections.
Not to say they aren't well done--the bottom shot of them in the water is particularly compelling I think--but I'm betting a lot of these will show up on ebay in a few years for a quarter of the price, after the initial craze has died down.
And I'll be there, waiting. (cue evil laugh)
I agree that these are kind of "girly girl" but they are nce quality. Personally I don't think I'll buy any because they are very pricey & I can think of other ways to spend money. But, they did do a really nice Batgirl & I gotta admit it's pretty tempting.
Come visit me some time, I've made a lot of changes you might like.
Thanx, Tommy
I know you and I talked about these before. Nice to see them on your site. They look like Ken and Barbie dressed up. Like what they did when they put them in Star Trek uniforms.
The Mera doll was a doll convention exclusive. At the same convention, the Storm display base was the centerpiece on the tables at the Tonner presentation and Q & A session. Storm was then given away to one lucky doll collector at each table. The Aquaman figure, while sold at the convention, was not a convention exclusive:
Still kind of expensive. And the rooted hair doesn't really scale down properly for male dolls, does it?
The hair on Aquaman is UGLY. I don't particularly want the Aquaman doll, though the Mera and Storm look pretty cool. If these are supposed to appeal to girls, they failed utterly in my case.
DC's always had a finger in the collectible doll market; I remember a deal with a company called Madamosielle (yes, I know it's spelt wrung, but I's an Amerikin and don't gotta have to look up no French spellings, dagnabbit!) that did high-end, FAO Schwarz, pretty girly-girl dolls of (mostly) female characters, though I couldn't say for sure who. Also the high-end GI Joe market, with a series of Sgt. Rock and Easy Co. 'Joes', as well as Mlle. Marie, Blackhawk--all $80-90 per figure and up.
Paul K.
been lurking but otherwise engaged, hi all!
I have a 1967 mera doll mint condition still in box email me for more info at jferrilli@hotmail.com thank you
One on ebay right now!
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