As a lot of you know, on April 27 I took notice of Aquaman's then-sales figures (somewhere in the 200,000+ range) and tossed in a joke I thought up a long time ago, about a proposed Aquaman team-up title called Surf and Turf.
It seemed to strike quite a cord, so of course that got me a-designin', and a few short hours later I had put together the cover for the first issue. I promised Dixon that the first guest-star would be The Flash, so it was just a matter of coming up with the right, exciting image to adorn the first issue(which, of course, doesn't exist).
Mark Waid, doing such a great job on The Brave and The Bold Mk.2, would of course be the perfect choice to write the book. George Perez, not yet being able to split himself into multiple beings, obviously couldn't draw it, so I thought the team of Alan Davis and Paul Neary would be a great choice for the art. My imaginary storyline for the first few issues is that Aquaman teams up with various JLA members, culminating in Arthur's rejoining of the team in, say, the seventh or eigth issue. Then we can get to those crazy team-ups with The Creeper, Sgt.Rock, Lois Lane, etc.
I dunno, I'd buy this.
Wow, that is awesome! It's kind of sad when non-comic guys sit here in cyberspace coming up with better ideas than the so-called professionals are! LOL! I would DEFINITELY buy this!
Brilliant! I love it. I'd buy this, too! This one has instant classic written all over it.
Rob, sorry, but I didn't have an e-mail address for you. Did you see this Aquaman DVD news this week?
Great site, bro!
~Rev. O.J. Flow
Best Shots, Newsarama.com
yes, i will SO be getting that DVD set!
let's go to Target, Tadpole!
Heck man, I'd snatch that up like crazy-go-nuts! I don't konw about you, but I'm looking forward to the Aquaman/Mr. Miracle crossover!;)
Hey, you should do some more faux covers for this series!
The cover looks great. If he is teaming up with JLA members then how about its new memeber Black Lighting for an issue. DC should hire you to be the artist for Aquaman.
>>DC should hire you to be the artist for Aquaman.<<
ah, rick, thanks for the compliment but i lack the ability to do that--i learned that the hard way during my first few months at the Kubert School, when/where i realized that not only did SUCK at drawing comics, but that i didn't even really like it all that much.
check out my buddy--and first Kubert roomate--Sean's work:
...now, HE could draw Surf and Turf, no prob.
Hell yes.
I would totally buy this.
Multiple times.
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