This is part of a 5-figure JLA boxed set, which featured this monstrosity plus an Angry Hologram Martian Manhunter, an Angry Robin, an Angry Impulse, and an Angry Superboy. The only reason I even have this is a friend at the time wanted the Superboy, so we went in on the set together and I got the Aquaman. The other three figures are undoubtedly not rotting away in a landfill somewhere.
This might be the single ugliest action figure ever, and is certainly the worst piece of Aquaman merch, bar none. This thing is intended to appeal to the nonsensical impulse buy of the Mad Collector, who simply must have every figure in the line and doesn't think about how hideous what it is they're buying (I'm looking in the mirror as I type this). After I'm gone, my friends and family might, just might, want some of my Aquaman stuff because it strikes their fancy, or reminds them of me, or a combo of the two.
But no one will ever want this.
Ok, enough negativity--tomorrow is something super-super-super-cool, in a post I call (in my best Stan Lee style) "But A Step--The Ridiculous to the Sublime Is!"
What the balls?
Is that alter-Earth Arthur? Through the looking glass Arthur? We have some extra crappy colored plastic, pour it into the horrid Aquaman mold Arthur?
Dear Lord--
Yikes! I remember these. This was one of a series of Total Justice figures based on the JLA storyline "Rock of Ages." The only reason I remember that is because I own one of them myself--the hard-light Flash, who is composed of a similarly hideous transparent purple plastic. (And there's a skull on his chest in place of the familiar lightning logo. How cheerful.) It's not a pretty line-up.
Needless to say, I hide my Flash variant in the darkest shadows of my collection just as you've been hiding this one. I took courage to show us this side of the Aquaman Shrine, Rob. We're proud of you. Now we can come to terms with Angry Hologram Aquaman and try to move on...
the first step is admitting you have a problem...
"hi, i'm rob, and i own a hideous hologram aquaman action figure."
"hi, rob!"
Have you seen these? I just found them while looking around online:
i've seen some of them on ebay, but havent picked any of them up yet. i have such limited funds for acquiring new pieces, i tend to try and get genuine vintage stuff and not the new items. but some of those shirts ARE nice looking...
I was really disapointed when these things started making the rounds, my local shop will never get rid of them.
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