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Friday, April 13, 2012


The hallowed halls of F.O.A.M. feature many, many creative people, and their love of Aquaman frequently inspires them to create their own, custom-made Aqua-merchndise.

Pictured above is a very handsome Aqua-Scarf, handmade by our newest F.O.A.M. member, Megan Becwar, wife of another F.O.A.M.er, Andrew Kapellusch! According to Andrew, Megan has been jealous of Andrew's F.O.A.M. status for years, and submitted this to get herself a certificate. Done and done, Megan! Let it be said that the Aquaman Shrine does not want to be the cause of any marital strife.

The scarf is available on Etsy, and you can find it here. Thanks Megan, and welcome to F.O.A.M.!

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